I have been looking forward to visiting Korea as Managing Director of the IMF for quite some time and am delighted it is taking place when I can join the important discussions on digital currency that will take place during this confere...
I have been looking forward to visiting Korea as Managing Director of the IMF for quite some time and am delighted it is taking place when I can join the important discussions on digital currency that will take place during this conference. My deepest gratitude goes to Deputy Prime Minister Ch...
Late last week, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, told the world to “buckle up” and that “time is not our friend” when discussing the future of digital currencies andcentral bank digital currencies(CBDCs). During the panel, Georgieva spoke...
andAndréReslow October2024 iii ©2024InternationalMonetaryFund PositioningCentralBankDigitalCurrencyinthePaymentsLandscape Note2024/006 PreparedbyManishaPatel,SafariKasiyanto,andAndréReslow* DISCLAIMER:FintechNotesofferpracticaladvicefromIMFstaffmemberstopolicymakersonimportant issues.TheviewsexpressedinFintechNotes...
然而,实现高水平的数字基础设施可能需要大量投资(Oughton、Amaglobeli和Moszoro 2023)。 制度能力 对于一个成功的CBDC项目,确定足够的人力资源是至关重要的,包括对中央银行和利益攸关方人员、所有其他主管当局和私营部门合作者。必须评估央行的工作人员是否有足够的专业知识来设计和运行技术解决方案,如果没有,第三方技术...
CENTRALBANKDIGITALCURRENCY--PROGRESS ANDFURTHERCONSIDERATIONS IMFstaffregularlyproducespapersproposingnewIMFpolicies,exploringoptionsfor reform,orreviewingexistingIMFpoliciesandoperations.Thefollowingdocument(s) havebeenreleasedandareincludedinthispackage: Deleteoptionswhichdonotapply: ...
使用合成霸权数字货币“将来在执行上必定会有许多挑战,尤其是跨数字货币区域的碎片化风险”(原文是there would be many execution challenges, not least the risk of fragmentation across Digital Currency Areas. ),他在后半段直接引用了普林斯顿大学“数字货币区”的理论。哈佛大学认同且提出许多方法来支撑该理论。
impact. We can and should learn from each other's experiences. This peer-learning series thus highlights the experiences of countries in the region in regulatory guidance for the development of digital finance. Today's event focuses...
IMF managing director has called for a “ prudently designed” central bank digital currency to rival crypto-assets and stablecoins.
[7]. “Proceeding with caution – a survey on central bank digital currency,” Bank for International Settlements; https://www.bis.org/publ/bppdf/bispap101.pdf [8]. S Delmolino K, Arnett M, Kosba A, et al. Step by step towards creating a safe smart contract: Lessons and insights ...