enterprises(MNEs)hasbecomemorepressing.ForeignDirectInvestment(FDI)statistics,which capturefinancingaspectsofMNEs,haveoftenbeenusedasaproxyformultinationalproductiongiven theirwideavailabilityandcross-countrycomparability,butconcernsthatmultinationalproduction occursindifferentcountriesthanwherefinancialpositionsarerecordedcallthis...
Implementation Plan for the IMF’s 2009 Coordinated Direct Investment Survey:国际货币基金组织的2009个协调的直接投资调查的实施方案’s,帮助,The,the,IMF,for,plan,For 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 158.77K 文档页数: 14页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: ...
In the long term, FDI can influence the overall democratic process in a certain country since a richer and more educated workforce can be able to express their needs and positions in a better way. It does not mean that there will not be certain undesirable effects in the short term. It ...