(Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001) • Institutional structure of government and public sector • What is a precise definition of government and why it is relevant • Potential pitfalls of lacking a precise definition of government • Definitions of government in IMF-supported programs ...
A useful but little known feature of the IMF's Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) is the information on the structure of governments. Institutional tables, included in the GFSY, provide detail on the central, state, and local levels of governments, social security, and extrabudgetary...
[63] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Financial Assets and Liabilities by Counterpart Sector" #> [64] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Statement of Sources and Uses of Cash" #> [65] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Main Aggregate...
The policy paper includes recommendations for regulating activities related to stablecoins and decentralized finance (DeFi) and was requested by the Indian presidency of the G20. 6983 News India makes suggestions for G20 crypto roadmap Aug 02, 2023 ...
Earlier in the day, Sri Lanka's State Minister of Finance Shehan Semasinghe said the above-mentioned meeting marks the IMF's second review of the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) Arrangement for the South Asian country. Semasinghe said the Sri Lankan government aims for a successful review and...
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;Nonfinancial Public Corporation;Social Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Mexican pesos Data last updated: 03...
45Astandardizedmanualfortheconsolidationoffinancialstatementsandauditreportsofthecentralgovernment, decentralizedinstitutions,andpubliccompanies,andtoexpandcoverageofmonthlystatisticsfromfourtoseven SOEs.ThethreeSOEstobeaddedincludeENABAS,EAAIandtheNationalLottery.Thepublicfinancereportsand fiscalstatisticscompiledandpublishedcu...
government bonds of some the Eurozone countries. They have been re-iterated in recent weeks by EU governments without spelling out the details of a resolution plan. Before this renewal, however, European officials had appeared to retreat from these promises and had put into question the ...
0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: fiscaltransparency透明度手册intosaifund ManualonFiscalTransparency M a n u a l o n F i s c a l T r a n s p a r e n c y I M F ©2007InternationalMonetaryFund Production:IMFMultimediaServicesDivision Typesetting:AliciaEtchebarne-Bo...
"If they want something bigger, let them suggest drastic measures," he said, adding that the committee was waiting for final assessments and proposals of the Finance Ministry and the government. The economic and financial assistance memorandum compels Ukraine to draft measures by the end of Februar...