无论是由于模型输出不准确,还是因为涉及未经授权的客户数据使用,生成式 AI 的使用失误都可能严重影响金融机构的公众形象和市场信任度。 6. 新兴市场和发展中经济体的碎片化(EMDE fragmentation):生成式 AI 的广泛应用可能加剧发达经济体对新兴市场和发展中经济体的冲击。AI 模型对市场波动更为敏感,尤其是在跨多个资产...
Thus far, today’s fragmentation is not significantly different from the initial years of the Cold War. However, compared to the average “between-bloc trade shortfall” during the entire Cold War period, fragmentation so far i...
无论是由于模型输出不准确,还是因为涉及未经授权的客户数据使用,生成式AI的使用失误都可能严重影响金融机构的公众形象和市场信任度。 6.新兴市场和发展中经济体的碎片化(EMDE fragmentation):生成式AI的广泛应用可能加剧发达经济体对新兴市场和发展中经济体的冲击。AI模型对市场波动更为敏感,尤其是在跨多个资产类别进行管...
而且根据英国央行行长在2019年8月的报告,货币战争是直接进入第四场景,而没有经过第二场景或是第三场景,而且带来世界金融市场的割裂(fragmentation)。使用合成霸权数字货币“将来在执行上必定会有许多挑战,尤其是跨数字货币区域的碎片化风险”(原文是there would be many execution challenges, not least the risk ...
One thing is clear: predictability will facilitate integration, whereas excessive discretion will likely increase the risk of fragmentation. This may well be the steepest part of our climb. When it comes to governance, countries will ultimately decide. ...
A severe fragmentation of the global economy after decades of increasing economic integration could reduce global economic output by up to 7 percent. However, the losses could reach 8 to 12 percent in some countries, if technology is also decoupled,
Thus far, today’s fragmentation is not significantly different from the initial years of the Cold War. However, compared to the average “between-bloc trade shortfall” during the entire Cold War period, fragmentation so far is an order of magnitude smaller. ...
there is a substantial risk that the more volatile supply shocks of the pandemic era will persist. Despite a considerable easing of pandemic-related supply pressures, the restructuring of global supply chains that was intensified by the pandemic and war, coupled with geo-economic fragmentation, may...