A useful but little known feature of the IMF's Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) is the information on the structure of governments. Institutional tDziobek, ClaudiaAlves, MiguelEl Rayess, MajdelineGutierrez Mangas, Carlos AlbertoKufa, PhebbySocial Science Electronic Publishing...
A useful but little known feature of the IMF's Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) is the information on the structure of governments. Institutional tables, included in the GFSY, provide detail on the central, state, and local levels of governments, social security, and extrabudgetary...
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economic decisions on their own behalf, capable of owning assets, incurring liabilities, and providing information on the institution’s transactions and balance sheets. 5 Figure 1. Institutional Levels of General Government 1/ The IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) database presents...
(GFSY 2015), Main Aggregates and Balances" #> [66] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG)" #> [67] "Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY 2015), Expense" #> [68] "Balance of Payments (BOP), Global SDMX (US Dollars)...
(IFS)isastandardsourceofstatisticsonallaspects ofinternationalanddomesticfinance.IFSpublishes,formostcountriesofthe world,currentdataonexchangerates,internationalliquidity,international banking,moneyandbanking,interestrates,prices,production,international transactions(includingbalanceofpaymentsandinternationalinvestment ...