1.窗口自带菜单 --- 即创建窗口时最上面的菜单 2.弹出式菜单 --- 点击右键时的菜单 或者 点击窗口自带菜单后的子菜单 1. 2. 2.菜单的类图 3.创建普通菜单 HMENU hmnu; //菜单句柄 MENUITEMINFO mii; //每一个菜单项的菜单信息 //1.创建菜单栏 主菜单栏 一个横条 hmnu = CreateMenu(); //2.创建...
GUI + background service for the Arsenal Virtual RAM-disk driver This project was born out of necessity. I have been usingImDisk Toolkitfor years without any issues. I particularly liked the ability to preload content to the RAM-disk from a local directory and synchronize the RAM-disk back ...
GUI + background service for the Arsenal Virtual RAM-disk driverThis project was born out of necessity. I have been using ImDisk Toolkit for years without any issues. I particularly liked the ability to preload content to the RAM-disk from a local directory and synchronize the RAM-disk back...