U-571: Directed by Jonathan Mostow. With Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi. A German submarine is boarded by disguised American submariners trying to capture their Enigma cipher machine.
U-571: Jonathan Mostow द्वारा निर्देशित. Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi के साथ. एक जर्मन पनडुब्बी प्रच्
U-571: Jonathan Mostow द्वारा निर्देशित. Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi के साथ. एक जर्मन पनडुब्बी प्रच्
U-571: Directed by Jonathan Mostow. With Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi. A German submarine is boarded by disguised American submariners trying to capture their Enigma cipher machine.
U-571 (2000) Cory Glen Mathews Other Sergeant (as Corporal Cory Glen Mathews) U-571 (2000) Valentina Ardeatini Mrs. Larson (as Valentina Adreatini) Dangerous Beauty (1998) Mauro Cerminara Soldato (uncredited) Club Insomnia (2005) Norman Campbell Rees Military Police Sergeant (uncred...
U-571: Réalisé par Jonathan Mostow. Avec Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi. Un sous-marin allemand est abordé par des sous-mariniers américains déguisés, afin de mettre la main sur leur machine à chiffrer Enigma.
U-571: Regia di Jonathan Mostow. Con Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi. Un sottomarino tedesco viene imbarcato da sottomarini americani che cercano di catturare la loro macchina cifratrice Enigma.
U-571 (2000) John William Falconer Other Sergeant (as Corporal John William Falconer) U-571 (2000) Cory Glen Mathews Other Sergeant (as Corporal Cory Glen Mathews) U-571 (2000) Valentina Ardeatini Mrs. Larson (as Valentina Adreatini) Dangerous Beauty (1998) Mauro Cerminara Soldat...
U-571: Regie: Jonathan Mostow Mit Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi Ein deutsches U-Boot wird von getarnten amerikanischen U-Booten geentert, die versuchen, ihre Enigma-Chiffriermaschine einzufangen.
U-571: Jonathan Mostow द्वारा निर्देशित. Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel, Jon Bon Jovi के साथ. एक जर्मन पनडुब्बी प्रच्