20th Century Women(2016) R 119 min|Comedy, Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track In 1979 Santa Barbara, Dorothea is a determined single mother who is raising her son, Jamie. Dorothea enlists the help of two women -- Abbie, a free-spirited punk artist and Julie, a savvy teenager -- to he...
20th Century Women (2016) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
20th Century Women: Mike Mills द्वारा निर्देशित. Annette Bening, Elle Fanning, Greta Gerwig, Billy Crudup के साथ. 21वीं सदी की महिला के साथ,
Connections Clients News Credits 16 titles Past Film & Video(11 titles)BudgetOpening WeekendGross (US & Canada)Gross (Worldwide) The House of Tomorrow(2017) Performer ("We Must Bleed") $7K $36K $36K 20th Century Women(2016) Performer ("Media Blitz") ...
20th Century Women (2016) Score Mixer $7MM $111K $5.7MM $7.2MM Don't Think Twice (2016) Score Mixer $93K $4.4MM $4.4MM Lullaby (2014) Score Engineer, Score Mixer Welcome to Willits: After Sundown (2013) (Short) - Composer The Bling Ring (2013) Score Engine...
20th Century Women(2016) Jaden Klein Ted Chicago Fire(2012) Laila Haley Emma FU*AB(2023) Caden Marshall Fritz Peter Sinister 2(2015) Olivia Rainey Catherine Sinister 2(2015) Nicholas King Bughuul (as Nick King) Sinister(I)(2012) Michael B. Woods ...
20th Century Women(2016) Lynette Winters $7MM $111K $5.7MM $7.2MM Starving in Suburbia(2014) Hannah Hard Drive(2014) Debs (as Laura Slade Wigg) The Ganzfeld Haunting(2014) Molloy Hit List(2011) 13-yr old Charlotte, Performer ("For All I Care") (as Laura Slade Wiggins), Writer ("...
Porn Free: Directed by Martha Coolidge. With James Woods, Danielle Panabaker, Sophina Brown, Sarah Carter. Stark has to prosecute the owner of a women's shelter accused of killing an unscrupulous, despicable porn producer. Based on the evidence, Stark wo
Marsha: The Erotic Housewife: Directed by Donald A. Davis. With Marsha Jordan, Ann Perry, Edward Blessington, Luanne Roberts. After discovering that her husband Greg has been having an adulterous affair with secretary Natalie, housewife Marsha decides to
The Women's Project The Miracle At Naples * Tristano The Huntington Theater Ghosts * Osvald The Shakespeare Theater Hamlet * Horatio The Shakespeare Theater Lorenzaccio * Piero Strozzi The Shakespeare Theater See more Film (6 titles) Role / Position Company / Director The Adju...