1. 设置IMAP Gmail iPhone的步骤 在您开始使用IMAP Gmail iPhone之前,首先需要确保您的Gmail帐户已启用IMAP访问。接下来,按照以下步骤在您的iPhone上设置IMAP Gmail: - 打开iPhone的“设置”应用程序。 - 滚动并点击“邮件”。 - 点击“添加帐户”。 - 选择“Google”作为您的帐户类型。 - 输入您的Gmail地址和密码。
https://www.google.com/accounts/SMSAuthConfig 页面,设置应用专用密码,使用此密码登录!
For the incoming mail server or IMAP that requires SSL, type inimap.gmail.com. Use port 993 and select Yes for the Requires SSL setting. For the outgoing mail server SMTP that requires TLS, type insmtp.gmail.com. For port, you can use either 587 or 465. Select Yes for both the Requ...
In case you are a Federated Sign In user (Using Sign in using Google Apps/ Gmail/ Facebook etc), you might not have an exclusive password in Zoho for your email account and so you will be required togenerate a password for your account. You cannot 'Sign In' using your external account...
JUST AN UPDATE EVERYONE found this over at - https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/gmail/odDKf9I35fg;context-place=f orum/gmail "The Mail app on the iPhone, preferring the Gmail app, but I added my account to the Mail app and tested adding and removing the prefix. My result...