來源: IManagementGrain.cs 傳回最新的粒紋統計資料資訊,並跨所有定址接收器進行正規化。 C# 複製 public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Orleans.Runtime.SimpleGrainStatistic[]> GetSimpleGrainStatistics (); 傳回 Task<SimpleGrainStatistic[]> 簡單的粒紋統計資料。 適用於 .NET Orleans 8.2....
GetSimpleGrainStatistics GetTotalActivationCount InjectMultiClusterConfiguration SendControlCommandToProvider SetAppLogLevel SetLogLevel SetSystemLogLevel UpdateConfiguration UpdateStreamProviders IMembershipOracle IMetricTelemetryConsumer IPipeline IRequestTelemetryConsumer ...
Influence of variety and management level on pearl millet production in Niger. I. Grain yield and dry matter accumulation. Afr. Crop Sci. J. 8:25-34.Maman, N., Mason, S. C. and Sirifi, S. (2000b). Influence of variety and management level on pearl millet production in Niger. II....
Assessment of quantitative losses caused by pulse beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis) and their management by grain protectants in black gramA laboratory study was carried out in Department of Entomology, C.S.A.U.A&T., Kanpur, during 2014-15., to evaluate effect of grain protectants on ...
IManagementGrain.FindLaggingSilos 方法參考 意見反應 定義命名空間: Orleans.Runtime 組件: Orleans.Core.dll 套件: Microsoft.Orleans.Core v2.4.5 請連絡所有叢集中的所有定址接收器,並傳回沒有最新多叢集組態的定址接收器。如果無法連線到某些叢集和/或定址接收器,則會擲回例外狀況。 C# 複製 public ...
IManagementGrain.InjectMultiClusterConfiguration 方法 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Orleans.Runtime 組件: Orleans.Core.dll 套件: Microsoft.Orleans.Core v2.4.5 插入多重叢集組態,以設定作用中的多重叢集。 C# 複製 public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Orleans.MultiCluster.MultiClusterConfiguration> ...
G.N. DhanapalM.T. SanjayG.R. HareeshVinay B. PatilDhanapal, G.N., Sanjay, M.T., Hareesh, G. R. and Vinay, B.P. 2015. Weed and fertility management effects on grain yield and economics of finger millet following groundnut. Indian J. Weed Sci., 47(2): 139-143....
SYNTHESIS OF THE SYSTEM-COGNITIVE MODELS OF A NATURAL-ECONOMIC SYSTEM, ITS USE FOR FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENT IN GRAIN PRODUCTION (Part 3 – forecasting and decision-making)FORECASTINGCLASSFACTORINFORMATION PORTRAITIn this article, the authors analyze forecasting and adoption of administrative decisions of...
nutritional managementplanting densityrice qualityCrop yield dominates rice (Oryza sativa L.) industry research, however, it is grain quality that dictates the value and market acceptance of rice. Key parameters of rice grain quality include physical appearance, amenability to processing and the cooking...
Malik, R.KBhan, V.MIndian Journal of Weed SciencePanwar, R. S; Malik, R.K. and Bhan, V. M. 1988. Effect of planting date and weed management practices on grain yield of wheat. Indian-Journal-of-Weed-Science. 20 (1): 50-53....