The Imaging Source ist ein führender Hersteller von Industriekameras, Videosignalwandlern und Embedded Vision Komponenten. Entdecken Sie noch heute unser Angebot an hochwertigen Bildverarbeitungslösungen.
ImagingSource 公司:上海宸开网络科技有限公司 软件事业部:夏霏 手机:13611683626 (微信同号) QQ: 2796804318 (请加好友询价) 直线:13611683626 邮箱 网址: 公司:上海宸开网络科技有限公司 上海宸开网络科技有限公司 资质: 所在地: 上海 进入店铺 所有...
Project InnerEye open-source software (OSS) is created and used for deep learning research by theProject InnerEye teaminMicrosoft Health Futures. It is released at no-cost under an MIT open-source license to make it widely available for the global medical imaging community, who can leverage...
o The Imaging Source制造 o Windows and Linux software included 窗体顶端 一般性能 动态范围 8/10 bit 视频格式@帧速率 2,592×2,048 (5.3 MP) Y800 @ 60 fps 2,592×2,048 (5.3 MP) Y16 @ 56 fps 接口(光学) 红外截止滤光片 × 感光组件类型 CMOS Python 感光组件规格 On Semiconductor PYTHON ...
o The Imaging Source制造 o Windows and Linux software included 窗体顶端 一般性能 感光度 0.05 lx 动态范围 8 bit 视频格式@帧速率 1,280×960 (1.2 MP) RGB32 @ 30 fps 1,280×960 (1.2 MP) Y800 @ 30 fps 1,280×960 (1.2 MP) Y16 @ 30 fps 接口(光学) 红外截止滤光片 √ 感光组件类型...
Project InnerEye Open-Source Software Project InnerEye open-source software(OSS) is created and used for deep learning research as part of Project InnerEye in theHealth Intelligence team at Microsoft Research Cambridge (UK). It is released at no-cost under an MIT open-source license to make it...
Resonon has been designing and building hyperspectral imaging systems for over 20 years. Our hyperspectral imagers are used around the world in factories, laboratories, underwater, on the ground, in the air, and soon, in orbit (June 2025 launch). Our integrated hardware and software systems prod...
Have you recently undergone a CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) examination? OsiriX Lite, the free demo version, offers the solution. Available for Mac computers running macOS, OsiriX Lite empowers you to conveniently review your medical images from the comfort of your ...
2) combines STED with widefield imaging by spectrally separating the two techniques and is controlled with the open-source software ImSwitch19. The control software integrates all hardware, allowing fast control of the components of both widefield and STED acquisition modes. This ultimately enables ...
As a new portrait style in ZEISS Style Portrait, ZEISS Cine-flare Portrait simulates the effect that people usually see in many films. Under a strong light source in the background, it generates a nice-looking flare. This kind of lens flare can be an intentional part of the aesthetics of...