在此期间,我们真诚地希望研究生入学和学位评定委员会、终身教职和晋升委员会以及相关基金评审委员会认可在《Imaging Neuroscience》上发表论文,等同于在本研究领域中发表最高质量的研究工作,被视为在广受认可的、开创性的同行评审学术期刊上发表论文。 Stephen Smith 教授,牛津大学,《Imaging Neuroscience》主编(代表所有...
神经科学成像领域的顶级期刊 NeuroImage 主编Stephen Smith在推特上发布了一份声明,宣称 NeuroImage 及其姊妹刊 NeuroImage:Reports 的所有编辑因不满出版商Elsevier(爱思唯尔)收取高额版面费,全体辞职,并将创办一份新的非营利性的开放获取期刊 Imaging Neuroscience ,取代 NeuroImage 在神经成像领域的领头地位。 Stephe...
神经科学成像领域的顶级期刊 NeuroImage 主编Stephen Smith在推特上发布了一份声明,宣称 NeuroImage 及其姊妹刊 NeuroImage:Reports 的所有编辑因不满出版商Elsevier(爱思唯尔)收取高额版面费,全体辞职,并将创办一份新的非营利性的开放获取期刊 Imaging Neuroscience ,取代 NeuroImage 在神经成像领域的领头地位。 Stephe...
Presents information pertaining to the trends associated with imaging neuroscience. Distinction being made between making maps of functional responses in the brain and discerning the rules which underlie their organization; What functional maps in neuroimaging rely on; Details on the spatial resolution of...
Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary branch of science focused on the study of the nervous system and how the brain works. The field studies nervous system functions, brain function and the related structures such as the spinal cord. It combines anatomy, physiology, cytology, molecular biology, devel...
Imaging neuroscience: Lessons from studies of brain plasticity The non-invasive brain scanning techniques, introduced a quarter of a century ago, have become crucial for diagnosis in clinical neurology. They have also ... RSJ Frackowiak - IEEE Embs International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging 被...
Beaulieu, A
Population imaging cerebellar growth for personalized neuroscience Growth chart studies of the human cerebellum, which is increasingly recognized as pivotal for cognitive development, are rare. Gaiser and colleagues utilized population-level neuroimaging to unveil cerebellar growth charts from childhood to adol...
Itano at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Neuroscience Microscopy Core. Photo provided by Michelle S. Itano. CZI Imaging Scientist Michelle S. Itano at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Neuroscience Microscopy Core. Photo provided by Michelle S. Itano. ...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become the mainstay of human imaging in neuroscience. Typical fMRI studies use an isotropic spatial resolution on the order of 3.0 mm (27 μl voxel volume) to inform many questions about human brain functional organization. However, much higher...