Yan, Wenliang (Alexandria, VA, US) Application Number: 15/405927 Publication Date: 01/21/2020 Filing Date: 01/13/2017 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Farbes Medical, LLC (Alexandria, VA, US) International Classes: ...
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Details of the instrument's performance and example images of interest to the forensic community are presented. !4Michael E. ReadPhysical SciencesInc.AlexandriaVAUSAThomas J. ManucciaPhysical SciencesInc.AlexandriaForensic Evidence Analysis and Crime Scene Investigation...
AlexandriaVAUSANondestructive Evaluation of Aging Aircraft, Airports, and Aerospace Hardware IIISchwartz, W. G., Read, M. E., Kremer, M. J., Hinders, M. K., and Smith, B. T., 1999, "Lamb Wave Tomographic Imaging System for Aircraft Structural Health Assessment," in Conference on Non-...