Imagine WebAR Editor - Setup your AR scene in less than 5 minutes (See Demo Tutorial) Hand Pose Tracking - Anchor 3D models on user's hands, palm, fingers, and wrist. Tracking of 21 Hand Keypoints - Anchor 3D models on user's palm, fingers and wrists. ...
1/7 Imagine WebAR - World Tracker Imagine Realities (27) (129) $385 Seat 1 Updated price and taxes/VAT calculated at checkout 251viewsin the past week Refund policy This asset is covered by the Unity Asset Store Refund Policy. Please see section 2.9.3 of theEULAfor details. ...
与其他使用 AR.js 或 A-Frame 等开源库的图像追踪解决方案相比,接近或与业界公认的领先图像追踪解决方案相当。 功能丰富!!! – 支持同时跟踪多幅图像 – 唯一允许纹理提取的 WebAR 图像跟踪器(例如彩色书 AR 体验) – 无需在外部网站编译您的图像目标。您甚至可以在运行时(网页初始化时)编译图像目标。 – 演...
unitywebgl AR识别 (0)踩踩(1) 所需:9积分 开发工具之MyEclipse快捷键 2025-03-14 09:47:46 积分:1 20241008_c++_chenyuhang 2025-03-14 09:47:06 积分:1 best-chinese-front-end-blogs 2025-03-14 09:38:42 积分:1 best-chinese-front-end-blogs ...
近日,美国实况内容平台First Tube Media宣布,已与Imagine AR合作,以将增强现实技术引入其独家直播节目。新的增强现实功能将在Grubhub 的《Sound Bites》节目中首播,在节目中,三届格莱美奖得主Megan Thee Stallion、King Princess和Noah Cyrus将于3月26日庆祝女性历史月
World-class broadcast management platform and TV content management system, offering solutions in adtech, playout, converged TV, & more. Contact us today.
Get AR Solutions and Services to deliver digital product experiences for your customers. ImagineAR produces and distributes intellectual property for film, VR, AR & MR.
Get AR Solutions and Services to deliver digital product experiences for your customers. ImagineAR produces and distributes intellectual property for film, VR, AR & MR.
WebP permite site-urilor web să afișeze imagini de înaltă calitate, dar cu dimensiuni de fișiere mult mai mici decât formatele tradiționale, cum ar fi PNG și JPEG. Puteți alege să salvați fișierele WebP cu compresie fără pierderi sau cupierderi...
En el juego aparecen más anuncios con el título de error y te meten más anuncios con tal de reintentar pero no te lo dan el resultado… se pone I N S O P O R T A B L E. Aunque los resultados cuando están bien son buenos more Itziar89 , 15/05/2023 Funciona muy mal ...