usingSixLabors.ImageSharp; usingSixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats; usingSixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing; usingSixLabors.Primitives; usingSixLabors.Shapes; usingSystem; usingSystem.Collections.Generic; usingSystem.Text; namespaceCodePicDownload { publicstaticclassCupCircularHelper { publicstaticIImageProcessingContext<...
// then cut out of the square a circle so we are left with a corner IPath cornerTopLeft = rect.Clip(new EllipsePolygon(cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius)); // corner is now a corner shape positions top left //lets make 3 more positioned correctly, we can do th...
有了画圆形的方法,我们只需要调用ConvertToAvatar() 方法把方形的图片转为圆形,画在图片上即可。 1using(Image<Rgba32> image = Image.Load("Image/Mud.png"))2{3varlogoWidth =300;4varlogo = Image.Load("Image/Logo.png") 5logo.Mutate(x => x.ConvertToAvatar(newSize(logoWidth, logoWidth), logo...
IPath cornerTopLeft = rect.Clip(new EllipsePolygon(cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius)); // corner is now a corner shape positions top left //lets make 3 more positioned correctly, we can do that by translating the orgional artound the center of the image ...
Using Clip + Flip seems to use the data outside of the clip region, how do I avoid that? enhancement #2597 opened Nov 30, 2023 by JimBobSquarePants Jpeg compressed tiff with photometric interpretation Separated is not supported needs triage #2454 opened May 12, 2023 by shapeh 4 tasks ...
(-0.5f, -0.5f, cornerRadius, cornerRadius); // then cut out of the square a circle so we are left with a corner IPath cornerTopLeft = rect.Clip(new EllipsePolygon(cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius - 0.5f, cornerRadius)); // corner is now a corner shape positions top left //lets ...