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Most imaging systems, including the human eye, are designed to image light over a broad range of the spectrum... Photonics Handbook White Papers Cricket™² - Advanced Image Intensifier Adapter The Cricket™² is a plug & play camera image intensifier attachment enabling low light level im...
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01:15 Cricket cancelled due to rain 00:06 Devil's Island seen from the ship. French Guyana 00:33 Mid shot of rainforest branch in the rain 00:26 firework display flag of guyana 00:47 Buildings And Street Scenes In Georgetown, Guyana 03:50 CLEAN : STOCKSHOTS: Essequibo region near Venez...
Sri Lanka's disappeared number 100,000 according to Amnesty International 00:09 large group of people on tractor approaching shot from the back of a motorbike 00:44 Young boys playing in charity 'Cricket Live Foundation' tournament administered by volunteers in Galle 02:38 ITN Roving Report: Nor...
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cutting the rate at which desired material can flow through. That degradation is a problem for biotechnology applications that involve filtering protein suspensions. Composed of an array of small pores, membranes are used to filter protein suspensions, separating the proteins from a solution containing...
Behavioural ecology leads to situations which make intriguing and hence captivating imagery. The Arabian babblers [Additional file 7] [14] are clearly up to something ecologically important, and we urge you to read the story of the ingeniously sonorous cricket [Additional file 8]. Multi-species in...
The patient was asymptomatic but recalled that 10 years earlier, a 130 kg man fell onto his chest while playing cricket and fractured his sternum. He was not marfanoid in appearance. Cardiac...