the unit definitions as well as the formulas regarding how to calculate the measurements. Furthermore, if available, the link of the source material proposing the measurement (e.g. Gaussian Width19) could be added toQuantificationfor further validation. In ...
Educational and Psychological Measurement 20, 37–46 (1960). 52. Viera, A. & Garrett, J. Understanding interobserver agreement: The kappa statistic. Family Medicine 37, 360–363 (2005). 53. Dice, L. R. Measures of the amount of ecologic association between species. Ecology 26, 297–302 ...
Figure 1.Scheme of the flotation machine with the installed measurement system. The surface of the froth in the flotation machine was observed by the CCD camera (512 × 512 pixels, 8 bits/pixel) mounted 30 cm above the froth surface at the cleaning flotation machine. The froth images from ...
The manual in situ measurement of these variables is a labor-intensive task when a forest of several hectares is surveyed, even with advances in on-ground sensing technologies [13,14]. Thus, a limited number of small plots are surveyed depending on the aim, the sampling costs, the extent ...
Figure 1. An instance of X-ray images of the normal knee and severe OA knee. On the left is a normal knee, and on the right is an OA knee. This image shows joint compartments, as well as joint space narrowing (JSN) and osteophytes [10]. Grade 0 denotes healthy joints in which...
One of the indices for quantification is the RNFL thickness, which is measured by the spectral-domain OCT, and this index has a high reproducibility of measurement and a high correlation with glaucomatous damage [82,141]. The study proved that the encoded features of the fundus image can be ...
In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications, CIVEMSA, Budapest, Hungary, 27–29 June 2016. [CrossRef] 14. Varma, M.; Lu, M.; Gardner, R.; Dunnmon, J.; Khandwala, N.; Rajpurkar, P....
They may not, however, be powerful in measurement, form, and structure change. Effective shape forms could mix picture attributes with nuclei form types [54]. However, they depend on seed factors. Different techniques were predicated on gradients in polar [55] and graph reductions [56]. Ta ...