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A dual-labeled dataset and fusion model for automatic teeth segmentation, numbering, and state assessment on panoramic radiographs Wenbo Zhou Xin Lu Xin Liu BMC Oral Health(2024) Evaluation of CBCT reconstructed tooth models at different thresholds and voxels and their accuracy in fusion with IOS da...,, Abstract Affordance grounding, a task to ground (i.e., localize) action possibility region in objects, which faces the chal- lenge of establishing an explicit link with object parts due to the diversity of intera...
CNNs however require large amounts of labeled data to be trained and can be computationally expensive. Differential scale-space methods For a given image \(I\left(x,y\right)\) differential scale-space methods generally first construct a stack of images smoothened at different strengths (or ...
Indexing of 3D voxel neighborhood. Voxels are numbered in clockwise order for each XY-layer and from top to bottom. The center voxel in the top and bottom layer are labeled last for each layer Full size image Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article...
Labeled optical coherence tomography (OCT) and chest X-ray images for classification Mendeley Data, 2 (2018) Google Scholar [29] A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, G.E. Hinton Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (2012), ...
First, multiple items are present in a single image, unlike DeepFashion where each image is labeled with at most one item. Second, we have 13 different definitions of landmarks and poses (skeletons) for 13 different categories. There is 5338 Commercial Customer...
Each observation in the training sample corresponds to a pixel at some position (x,y) in one of the training images. Each pixel is labeled by a discrete or a numerical output, depending on the chosen method (classification or regression), and it is described by several input features. We ...
Albeit a similar approach has been established for live-cell imaging of tissue cells with fluorescently labeled cilia [27], its application is not trivial and not suited to study cilia in an intact tissue. Fourth, analyzing large numbers of cilia in the intact tissue is key to further ...