The graphic photos of abused Iraqi prisoners released on CBS’s 60 Minutes II news show on April 28 have been reproduced as stills and transmitted all over the internet, showing up, as well, on Arab satellite television and in the Arabic press. The footage shows US military personnel forcing...
A picture can be worth a thousand words, that’s why I’ve put together a huge amount of happy birthday images to choose from. Because sometimes it’s hard to find the right way to wish someone a happy birthday. Happy Birthday Images We’ve got so many birthday images to choose from!
Life is too short to carry the burden of a heavy heart. It does not serve you or anyone else. Free yourself through the power of forgiveness and compassion. –David Simon Though my heart is heavy, it is also strong and unbreakable, thanks to two men who put my needs above their own....
and the country, dearly. Now, we see plainly the media doing exactly what experts in authoritarianism, like Yale Professor Timothy Snyder, have repeatedly warned against – obeying in advance. If they believe that someone of Trump’s ilk is going to give them credit for this, they are ignori...
BMWs, Pajeros and all sorts of fancy cars, "When you don't, you are cursed until you gradually fade away with guilt, to the point where you are even afraid to answer your own phone, read your email and warm up to news of someone who has just returned from home with letters for yo...
The actual video shows someone adjusting the temperature from low to medium, showing exactly how the oven works. 3. Emotion-focused hero image This category of images focuses on amplifying an emotion you want your users to feel. This works great for non-physical products or services where you...
David remarks to Shaw that she has a very kind heart and seems to interact with Shaw showing equal compassion and affection once his head is re-attached. This behavior is completely opposite to his interactions inPrometheus, leading me to believe David has adopted new emotional traits during his...
There is a lovely informality to her telling of the story. When she plants her foot on an ottoman and nearly misses, she just wags her finger at the thing and does it again, this time getting it right. When she forgets the name of someone in her story, she moans that it’s terrible...
In showing us the world as we have never seen it before, great art, Murdoch claims, enables us to deduce the existence of the principle which gave rise to such attentive perception, and helps us to attend to or contemplate it. Murdoch suggests that there is “something in the serious atte...
You may wish to dust your oil painting so that layers of dust don’t begin to gather on its surface. This should only be considered to remove loose dust. Never spray any chemical substance on your oil painting. Do not use a damp cloth to dust your oil painting. (Again, your painting...