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Since I’m a big fan of Sir Isaac Newton’s “..on the shoulders of giants…1” school of greatness, I believe you achieve success in anything by building on and learning from the achievements of others. A great place to begin absorbing a fine art point of view is with the old class...
Just to be clear about fundamentals: even this sort of research does not consist of "discovering facts" as if they were the pebbles that Sir Isaac Newton famously imagined himself picking up on the beach. (7) Of course, discovery is there, and indeed is at the core. But the actual ...
Sir Isaac Newton and Jacques B. Bossuet deftly argued in their respective works, Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms and An Universal History that the ancient Greeks had acquired their knowledge from the Jews. The ‘Know Thyself’ of Socrates was but a partial echo of the ‘Seek Wisdom’ of ...
Sir Isaac Newton Thomas Jefferson Voltaire William Pitt Meaningful present-day works also are included as an entirely new feature; thereby introducing: A patent for performing trisection over a wide range of device settings, as validated by geomtric forming An important mathematical discovery called...