I shot a bunch of original stuff to act as a kind of visual glue, holding together the melange of library images; I was heavily into using “fruit cake” filters, to create starburst, rainbow, and multi-image “prism” effects; I worked with a set of several hundred filters....
On the evening of December 31 and the first day of the New Year, I fully celebrate. With family and friends, I celebrated the new year at the nicest party on December 31. And the next day, I do send New Year’s wishes to friends, family members, and acquaintances. Let’s make it ...
Give your computer huge amounts of time and get back when it has finished. Now Photoshop has adjusted all the images and put them on separate layers in one file. The next thing you have to do is to crop the image. Because of the adjustments the images are not the exact same size. ...
The building has been the subject of a number of tours that I have conducted to it since 2018. A lot more interesting on the inside than it is from the outside, it features an old lift that should not be missed. Retrofitted in 1929, the lift was used to carry children suffering from...
We take comfort knowing she is with Jesus and all her family and friends on the other side of the rainbow. "To a life well lived", we love you mom! A celebration of life will be held April 13, at 1;00 PM, AT Whaleshead Beach. Bring your own lunch. Death Notice Michael John ...
According to Greek mythology, King Minos ordered the architect Daedalus to construct a labyrinth in which to keep his son, the Minotaur. There’s lots of bull imagery in Knossos today, but none more striking than this fresco of a charging bull, backlit by a brilliant rainbow. ...