Ragweed, Common[Ambrosia artemisiifolia] Ragweed, Greater[Ambrosia trifida] Snow drops[Galanthus] Star of Bethlehem[Ornithogalum arabicum] Sweet gum Virginia creeper[Parthenocissus quinquefolia] Virginia knotweed[Polygonum virginianum] Wood aster[Eurybia divaricata] ...
The Book of Songs,as the earliest anthology of poetry in ancient China,offers a large number of plant images which reveal folk customs and worship of plants of the early ancestors. As an imagery of Bixing,some of plant images are full of vitality and praised to be symbolic of auspiciousness...
Public movement for pushing back the encroachment of the ragweed resulted in legal actions. To adjust to the nature of the quick ragweed development the amendment of the plant protection law is revolutionary. It authorizes the government for elimination of ragweed spot...
Barely visible in the ragweed fifty yards to the side was the doe, standing still. The moment she knew she had the chocolate horn’s attention, she turned and began slowly picking her way toward the oaks on the far side, certain that he would follow. I understood the doe’s single-mind...
/ year is spent for medication and medical visits, tests because of the allergenic effect of the ragweed. Public movement for pushing back the encroachment of the ragweed resulted in legal actions. To adjust to the nature of the quick ragweed development the amendment of the plant protection ...