interactive mash-ups, video games and immersive telepresence in virtual worlds, and the Interenet galaxy of movingimages. 过去的十年里一系列全新的电影体验已经出现,包括手持式微电影和互动混聚技术,以及电子游戏和虚拟实境的远 程沉浸式体验,还有互联网世界中的动态影...
In any case, both titles are two of the more audacious debuts of the year. This Deniz Camp guy is all over my radar. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) ...
Abstract In this work, a modified integrated local surface descriptor is introduced for laser radar (ladar) range image recognition. A 2D histogram binary image is added to local surface patches (LSP) as a supplementary property, and a binary dissimilarity function is proposed to further filter th...
Finally Learning to Live. I think the Metallica riff comes from "Ride The Lightning" in this case, but there's also a touch of "...And Justice for All". After the predictable riff, the snare sounds so 1980s that a feeling of neo-prog arises; a kind of mix of Pallas and IQ. Thi...
Hermès instantlyconjures up imagesofmagnificent leatherwork from the equestrian world, as well as the colorful [...] 提到Hermès(爱马仕)的名字,自然就联想到灵感源自马术世界的精美皮革、色彩绚丽的方巾、恰到好处的香水及其他相关物品,Hermès(爱马仕)由此而跻身此华丽 时尚...
interactive mash-ups, video games and immersive telepresence in virtual worlds, and the Interenet galaxy of movingimages. 过去的十年里一系列全新的电影体验已经出现,包括手持式微电影和互动混聚技术,以及电子游戏和虚拟实境的远 程沉浸式体验,还有互联网世界中的动态影...