where TP and TN stand for True Positive (number of non-DF cases correctly classified) and True Negative (number of DF cases correctly classified), while FP (number of DF cases identified as non-DF cases) and FN (number of non-DF cases identified as DF cases are False Positive and False...
It is clear that due to the vicinity of these three nuclei, the highlighted red circle region has received a large number of votes and thus could lead to a potential false positive detection. In section, we will show that in real histopathologic images, existing voting-based techniques tend ...
14), including 198.738 negative examples (i.e., no breast cancer) and 78.786 positive examples (i.e., breast cancer found in the patch). All these images were available from DATALAKE Volume in the deployed Storage Backend. Images were synchronised at the UPV and Cyfronet by the One...
The MLO algorithm has determined a fitness function of tuning the parameter values of the AE model. The fitness function is used to determine a positive integer for the representation of effectual outcomes of the candidate solutions. Here, the objective is to minimize the classification error rate...
Based on the true positive (TP), true negative (TN), false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) samples, the sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy and F1 score (classification quality metrics) can be estimated for each disease, as follows: ...
ORENCIA has not been studied in patients with a positive TB screen, and the safety of ORENCIA in individuals with latent TB infection is unknown. Patients testing positive in TB screening should be treated by standard medical practice prior to therapy with ORENCIA. Antirheumatic therapies have been...
In this circumstance, we compute true positive (TP) for the cases correctly identified as COVID-19, false negative (FN) for the COVID-19 cases being incorrectly classified as normal or community-acquired pneumonia cases, true negative (TN) for the cases correctly identified as non-COVID-19 ...
Black signifies a prediction of −1 (ER-negative), while white signifies +1 (ER-positive). Gray values correspond to scores close to 0 (indeterminate). All visualizations of ER predictions and features show the validation and test sets of one cross-validation split. Hence, none of the ...
In this method, the image is scanned by the sliding window, the window containing the glomerulus is screened by R-HOG with SVM, and then the glomeruli or the background are classified further by S-HOG with SVM to reduce the number of false positive (FP) cases. Although the S-HOG does...
The JAC is an intersection over the union of the segmented skin lesions region with the segment ground truth region [32]; where TP: true positive values, TN: true negative values, FP: false positive values, FN: false negative values, As: segment area, Ag: ground truth area. Table 2 ...