Included are images of common backyard birds, such as cardinals, blue jays and robins, as well as more exotic birds, like parrots, macaws and peacocks. Whether you're a bird lover or just appreciate nature's beauty, you're sure to find a bird picture to suit your needs....
This male was too young, but the method of aging leopards older than three years, is usually done by looking at their dewlap size, the condition of their ears and the degree of facial scarring and sometimes the colour of the nose. We were privileged to see this leopardess and her male ...
Hierarchical image classification using transfer learning to improve deep learning model performance for amazon parrots Jung-Il Kim Jong-Won Baek Chang-Bae Kim Scientific Reports (2025) A convolutional neural network to identify mosquito species (Diptera: Culicidae) of the genus Aedes by wing image...
Beyond these notable examples, many of the world’sbirdsare also at risk. The populations of some birdspecies(such as somealbatrosses,petrels, andpenguins) are declining because of longline fishing, whereas those of others (such as certaincranes,rails,parrots,pheasants, andpigeons) have become vi...