out of focus 57 outdoor 182 outdoor recreation 151 outdoors 23 outside 26 Ovis aries 1 Oxfordshire 2 Pacific Rim 35 packaging 1 packaging boxes 1 packing 1 packs 2 Paddington Station 1 paddle 1 pages 1 pain 2 paint 34 painted 11 painted graffiti 2 painter 4 ...
So, full disclosure here: Ihadit already back in 2017, on my X-T2 (my main camera at that time). But then sold it (despite loving its image quality), coz I found that it was not suited to low light photography in the golden hours at the beginning and end of the day having a m...
Secondly, there are several tables based on remaining materials in this paper, including “Distribution of the Shapes of Sogdian Sarcophagi in China”, “Historical Period and Shape of Sogdian Ossuaries in Central Asia”, “Religious Images Table of Sogdian Sarcophagi in China”, “Table of ...
Hand-painted or human-generated elements. These can range in complexity from a simple black-and-white matte to a photorealistic matte painting of a real or imaginary setting. Although in the past much of this type of artwork would have been generated outside the computer using more traditional...
society on the Mughal conception of utopia.Moreover, the paper aims to discover the Mughal vision of utopian ideal within the space of painting from imperial illustrated manuscript. Distinguished from the utopian notion of an imagined future,this study will point out that Mughal painted realm is ...
The Book of Kellsis a magnificently illuminated manuscript Gospel in Vulgate Latin containing the four Gospels of the New Testament – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – together with various prefatory texts and tables. It was created by Celtic monks on the small Island of Iona off the coast ...
sculptures and paintings while at the same time craning their necks to see the vivid painted ceilings. The bright ceiling decorations and colors are irresistible for photographers and many of us pause whenever we can to shoot them. Photography will not be permitted later in the Sistine Chapel ...
We have placed a low daybed in front of the bed and Maria has painted a snowy landscape that is mounted on the back of the bed. Here we have folded the bed down over the daybed and the sofa table also stays in place (it’s lower than ordinary sofa tables). Behind the bed, we ...
Doing this film would ruin my chances of rising higher as a dramatic star. For his birthday, Corinne gives Wallis a picture she’s painted of him as a clown. In her memoir, she protests that it’s an innocent, well intentioned gift and she’s astonished to hear that he’s furious. ...
Table 1. The number of training and test samples for Pavia University dataset. No.ClassSamplesTrainTest 1 Asphalt 6631 200 6431 2 Meadows 18649 200 18449 3 Gravel 2099 200 1899 4 Trees 3064 200 2864 5 Painted metal sheets 1345 200 1145 6 Bare Soil 5029 200 4829 7 Bitumen 1330 200 1130...