Commonly Misspelled Words How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) Absent Letters That Are Heard Anyway Popular in Wordplay See All The Words of the Week - June 7 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments
The opposite of faith is fear. Most of the time, fear is actually faith in the devil. Don’t take “A truth” and make “THE truth” out of it. For if we dogmatically declare that the only way anyone can obtain faith is by hearing the Word of God, that’s not the WHOLE truth.... image of an object as it would appear if viewed in a mirror. object having a spatial arrangement corresponding to another object except that the right-to-left sense on one object corresponds to the left-to-right sense on the other. ...
To measure gender bias in online texts, we leveraged word embedding models that construct a high-dimensional vector space based on the co-occurrence of words (for example, whether two words appear in the same sentence), such that words with similar meanings are closer in this vector space. Ha...
An exploration, both visually and physically, the ‘edge’ of the sea where it meets the land, with its continuous ebb and flow of the breaking waves, rhythmically rolling back and forth onto the sand.(Artist’s description) With the binding and her photography inEbb and Flow, Jane Cradock...
On this next assignment (or shall we say ‘visual challenge’) we are going to explore how very different subjects can dynamically interact with each other, whether they are thrown in a situation or they just happen to exist in two diametrically opposite circumstances. ...
The Freudian programmatic theorem, that the ego is embodied, can be applied in more detail. Language is not the opposite of embodiment but its continuation. Conclusions for psychosomatics are indicated.doi:10.1080/08037060701547972BuchholzMichael B....
In the early years of film, portrayals of same-gender sexuality were prohibited, and so gay characters were not affectionate or open, but rather expressed their sexuality through exaggerated opposite-gendered be- havior. In the 1950s and 60s, there were some gay portrayals in films, but the...
Perhaps not faces, and certainly not many procedures, but could you photo pursed lips, as in a kiss, as a cue for “this works”; and a stuck-0ut tongue for the opposite? Just a photo. Not necessarily of people or even of product. A smiling cat could indicate a happy woman . . ...
I am and own economical situation difference not many family marriage. Certainly opposite party also is considered our financial circumstance only then can marry with me! I cannot remove her only for the love, for the money possibility, such i[translate] ...