We used spatial frequency decomposition, RMS contrast modulation, a yes/no paradigm and an adaptive staircase to measure isolated and contextual CSFs (iCSFs and cCSFs) from natural images. We employed Barten's mechanistic model and adapted it for contextual modeling purposes by postulating that, ...
country scenes 3 countryside 1 County Antrim 2 County Armagh 2 county building 5 County Down 2 County Durham 2 County Fermanagh 2 County Tyrone 2 couple 3 course 2 court 22 cover 51 covered 7 cow 12 cow backgrounds 5 cows 9 cracked 1 crackers 2 cradle 1 cr...
The goal is to transmit ‘natural scenes’, i.e. photographs of everyday-life scenes. The importance of this choice lies in the significant additional complexity of natural scenes when compared with, e.g. MNIST-database digits or other simple geometric features. As sample images, we use a ...
Last year (VSS, 2012), we showed that human observers of scatter plot data perceive linear regressors that minimize squared error as worse fits than regressors that minimize absolute error. Here, the perception of noise in images of natural scenes was investigated. Pictures of natural scenes were...
Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of images of natural scenes has been shown to generate basis functions, or filters, which resemble spatial [Bell & Sejnowski (1997). Vision Research, 37, 3327–3338; van Hateren & van der Schaaf (1998). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London...
We measured the effect of global phase manipulations on a rapid animal categorization task. The Fourier spectra of our images of natural scenes were manipulated by adding zero-mean random phase noise at all spatial frequencies. The phase noise was the independent variable, uniformly and symmetrically...
IEEE, Los Alamitos (1998) [3] Datta, R., Joshi, D., Li, J., Wang, J.Z.: Image Retrieval: Ideas, Influences, and Trends of the New Age. ACM Computing Surveys 40(2), paper 5 (April 2008) [4] Vogel, J., Schiele, B.: Semantic Modeling of natural scenes for content-based ...
Natural water regimes dictated by rainfall and groundwater flow provide a pattern of wetting and drying which are the key to the health of rivers, wetlands and floodplains. High flows and floods connect rivers to floodplains and wetlands, moving nutrients around, allowing seeds to germinate and ...
This paper presents a database containing 'ground truth' segmentations produced by humans for images of a wide variety of natural scenes. We define an error measure which quantifies the consistency between segmentations of differing granularities and find that different human segmentations of the sa...
However, a growing body of evidence suggests that visual percepts may be generated in a quite different way. The alternative concept is that visual percepts depend on and ultimately represent accumulated empirical experience with light stimuli arising from natural scenes rather than the physical ...