Giovanni Battista Bracelli’s “Alfabeto Figurato”, a single-sheet etching, occurred well after Carravagio’s presence there earlier in the century but well within the sphere of his ongoing influence. The print’s contortions of human bodies to display that most human of inventions — the al...
The latter could include the hunting and killing of other birds as seen with many raptor species. Direct physical combat between individuals of the same species is not common. Birds have ways to “fight” using ritualised signals and behaviours so that more often than not they can avoid a p...
I started taking photos of the sunrises, wildlife and birds and posted them on FaceBook throughout the year. This has not only been beneficial to my mental health but my images have brought pleasure to many of my ‘friends’ around the World too. I have thousands of images from the last...
birdanhinga novaehollandiaenative birds erskineville nswweathersky chinese garden of friendshipdarling harbour nswharbour street sydneystreetbuilding sunsetpeople alexandria nswblueaustralasian darter citytownhouse australian birdsurban wildlifeanimal outdoorsfallautumnal milsons point nswbridgedog walking royal botanic...
Courtyard of Brzeg Castle Poland Swords of ancient warriors of Poland The columns of the facade of Brzeg casle Night view of Opole City Poland with Piast tower Coffee and cake at a cafe in Opole Poland Popular Wood Violet and water dew Grevillea, australian native flower, taken at...
(Image credit: Still from Coral: Rekindling Venus, courtesy of the American Museum of Natural History.) A weedy seadragon, native only to Australian waters, darts through the plants that provide its namesake and protection. Unlike their close relative the seahorse, seadragons lack a prehensile tai...
Flamingo, any of six species of tall, pink wading birds with thick downturned bills known for their slender legs, long, graceful necks, large wings, and short tails.
cave bears. Later on,horses,bison,aurochs,cervids, andibexbecame prevalent, as in theLascauxandNiauxcaves. Birds and fish were rarely depicted. Geometric signs are always numerous, though the specific types vary based on the time period in which the cave was painted and the cave’s location....
It is an important breeding ground and habitat for migratory birds, and plays an important role in biodiversity conservation and climate regulation. There are many plant species in the Ramsar site, with the P. australis community occupying the largest proportion. Analysis of P. australis community ...
Birds Insects Bugs Spiders etc Reptiles Diving Photos Sketches from the Source by Bong Delatorre Murals List of Merchant Ships and Coastal Vessels List of Merchant Ships and Coastal Vessels List of current photos given to Wikipedia List of Countries and Capital Cities ...