[See video of 3-D mummy] This and other CT images of human and animal mummies will be displayed on a website to accompany a newly expanded exhibition at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, called "Eternal Life in Ancient Egypt." The exhibition opened April 5, and the Web...
Renee Friedman has been doing a lot of work in this region and wrote some articles on these populations. However, generally most papers stick to the Egypt vs Nubia dichotomy. Yet there was the X-Ray atlas of Royal mummies which showed similarities between various Pharaohs and other so-called...
People have speculated that his missing nose is the result of Napoleon’s soldiers using it for target practice when the famous French emperor invaded Egypt, but that cannot be verified. The statue is part of the pyramid complex. A sumptuous Lebanese lunch marked the end of our stay in this...
It represented Isis as the great serpent-goddess, and was placed inside the wrappings of mummies and attached to their necks.. It was also worn by the living as a protection against snake bite." (id.) "The Amulet of the Serpent's Head. This amulet was placed upon the dead body to ...
Abu Simbel, site of two temples built by the Egyptian king Ramses II, located in ancient times at pharaonic Egypt’s southern frontier facing Nubia. Endangered by the erection of the Aswan High Dam in the mid-20th century, the temples were disassembled a