Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island is based on the novel of the same name by Dennis Lehane and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, and Ben Kingsley. Set in 1959, Shutter Island follows two U.S. Marshalls - Teddy Daniels (DiCaprio) and Chuck Aule (Ruffalo) as they are sent to investigat...
David Fincher When Mark Ruffalo Revealed How Zodiac Studio Initially Dismissed Him: “We Don’t Give A Sh*t” 1/4/2025 by Team KoiMoi What’s in the Box? David Fincher Finally Reveals ‘Se7en’ Ending That Traumatized Brad Pitt: “I think there was a weight in it” ...
SLOMO - Mark Ruffalo, Sunrise Coigney at Dolby Theatre on February 09, 2020 in Hollywood, California. Save PURCHASE A LICENSE Get personalized pricing by telling us when, where, and how you want to use this asset. SELECT OPTIONS ADD TO CART DETAILS Credit: Getty Images Vi...
Ben Tolpin Branko Tomovic Joey Kern Jordan Lage Marisa Nicole Brown Mark Ruffalo Maya Stange Petra Wright More Information of the Movie XX/XY XX/XY on IMDB xyFace xyFace( is a picture site sharing movie star photos and movie images. Please share photos showing the ...
His on and off-screen partner Zendaya shares an image of them with a sweet message. Meanwhile, Brie Larson release a behind-the-scenes image of them working on Avengers: Endgame and Mark Ruffalo posted a shot of them during Avengers: Infinity War's D23 Expo panel. Check out the snaps ...
This is the latest in what has been an incredibly hot (slight pun intended) run for Hot Toys as of late. Just in the last few weeks, the toy and collectible company has released figures from several of the biggest movie franchises in the world, includingone based on Jake Sully inAvatar...
sci-fi and superhero movies nowadays. Past films by Marvel Studios to date have made heavy use of the mo-cap technology, be it to create Iron Man's armor or turn Mark Ruffalo into a giant green rage monster. This summer'sGuardians of the Galaxywill likewise make extensive use of the te...