May 1962. Marilyn Monroe sits on the edge of a swimming pool on the set of Something’s Got To Give. In the film she swims naked, and to generate advance... Read more Age after beauty 1956. Odile Rodin is well aware of her greatest assets and dresses to set them off to perfection...
This work is the cause of Monroe watershed and milestones. Monroe's most famous shot from the film on Kazamaki skirts, wearing a white dress Marilyn Monroe is her legacy is the classic image. Monroe starred in the film career (starting from the waterfall For wave) can be divided into two...
My costume was this white dress, and they thought I was a goddess, so I had to be on set all the time otherwise the Indians would leave. When we finished, they came to the airport and brought me gifts. I was crying so much! I love Werner Herzog, but for some of the crew, the...
Drag queen wearing cut out dress(1993, below) reminded me of an early black-and-white photograph by Fiona Hall (Leura, New South Wales,1974) in its use of patterned wallpaper. Let us hope there is a large retrospective of Polixeni’s work (at NGV or Heide for ...
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” It happened magically. On a sudden lavish whim, Elsa decided to buy herself a fine dress. She walked into the most elegant shop in Rome. Behind her she heard a woman’s voice exclaim, “But how beautiful you are!” She turned. It was Teresa Getti, the owner of the shop. “...