Title/Subject: "The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage" lettering and numbers in manuscript, no Tamamura/Takagi designation. Photograph Studio: K. Tamamura/T. Takagi, Kobe Condition: Very Good. These imagse are found in The Ceremonies of a Japanese Marriage (here), published by K. Tamamura, ...
Built in two phases, International moved here in 1927 when the expanded from their smaller premises at the north end of the same block, on Davie Street. The initial building was the northern (right hand) half, seen in this 1927 Vancouver Public Library image. According to the permit it ...
A method of creating a pigmented image on a monument stone substrate includes positioning the stone relative to a laser engraving apparatus, masking the stone substrate in an image
29.The system of claim 22, where aligning the candidate text regions comprises aligning pixels of the candidate text regions using block matching. 30.The system of claim 22, where aligning the candidate text regions includes using range data associated with each image of the plurality of images....
FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing an example of an imaging system configured in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 2 shows an example of a camera, which may be used in the imaging system of FIG. 1, in accordance with another embodiment of the invention; FIG....
When images are processed, the uniformity of the images may decrease which results in non-uniform images. CLAHE is an algorithm that can alter the appearance of images by adjusting their brightness and contrast. It operates based on two parameters, including CLIP LIMIT and the BLOCK SIZE, with...