6. “Your relationship with your sister in law is hingeing on your brother’s – or your sister in law’s – ability to keep that relationship together.”– Justin Hartley 7. “To the sister that joined our family through marriage: I always appreciate how you’re always there for our f...
而力爭衛冕及奧運金牌得主羅斯 (Justin Rose)及共羸得4次「瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開賽」的謙蒙尼斯 (Miguel Angel Jiménez )均以總成績的低1桿的209桿,暫並列第47位。還有,萊德杯新星里德 (Patrick Reed)與曾於2010年嬴得「瑞銀香港高爾夫球公開場」冠軍的保爾特 (Ian Poulter),分別暫並列第55位及並列第57位。