The large-scale intercultural communication has led to the rebirth of local, ethnic and national identities, and also to an increased interest in the knowledge and explanation of cultural differences. The new global communication networks, the migration phenomenon and the new relations between and ...
Images of China: A Comparative Framing Analysis of Australian Current Affairs Programming Intercultural Communication StudiesXiufang Leah Li
Adolescent Girls' Interpretation of Sexuality Found in Media Images Intercultural Communication StudiesCHAN, KaraYu Leung NGWILLIAMS, Russell B.
City image is shaped through a combination of mass media, personal experiences, interpersonal communication, and memory, among other factors (Mumford 1961). A widely used term in marketing and tourism management, city/destination image, seen as a continuous mental process (Milman 2012), comprises t...
To be successful as facilitators of intercultural classroom discourse, it is important for teachers to learn about, accommodate, and draw upon the positive culturally-rooted literacy practices of the students. An examination of over 200 multicultural children's books indicated that about 50 of them ...
InterculturalComparisonofFemaleImagesinFashion Magazines--ACaseStudyofRayliLadiedsinChinaand VogueinUS 姓名:***申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:**民 20120228 浙江大学硕士学位论文摘要 摘要 随着科技日新月异的发展,传媒的力量变得越来越强大。它加速了全球化的 发展,影响着全世界人民...
胡适英文著述中文化信息承载项的翻译--以"The Indianization of ChinaA Case Study in Cultural Borrowing"翻译为例 热度: 浙江大学硕士学位论文摘要 摘要 随着科技日新月异的发展,传媒的力量变得越来越强大。它加速了全球化的 发展,影响着全世界人民生活的方方面面。在跨文化语境中将传媒与社会性别结 ...
In order to accomplish this, it is crucial to give meaning to situations of intercultural dialogue, in which experience and created relationships, based in the context of Bororo relationships, allow us to raise the question of communication as a fundamental field to better measure the opportunities...
1997 “Translation as imposition vs. translation as requisition.” InTranslation as Intercultural Communication, ed. byMary Snell-Hornby,Zuzana JettmarováandKlaus Kaindl, 45–56. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Doorslaer, Luc van ...
Therefore, it is important toconsider the flexibility of intercultural encounters between the Greek and Near East-ern worlds, retaining that“the Phoenicians could embrace Greek views (both intel-lectual and artistic) of their god(s)while still maintaining their own traditions”.110Thus, on the ...