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“You are my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can count on, you’re the love of my life, you’re my one and only, you’re my everything.” As we said, sharing lovely pictures with love messages is really a great way to show your love for your ot...
Talking with you is my favorite hobby. Surely, I am the lucky guy because I have you. You are the copy of my dream girl. I promise I will always be there for you to care, love, kiss, hugs and lots. When I was in your arms, I feel I am in heaven. ...
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We have a large collection of themes and wallpapers. On all romantic occasions set these love images and pictures to feel the love in your mobile. You can set these live images as your mobile wallpaper for free. We know love will find a way and this love wallpapers sayings is jus...
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Craven (2002) reported that in rewriting Beauty and the Beast into an animated film, Disney "twists the [original] story from one of learning and understand- ing to one of falling in love, a very modern arrangement of romance sto- ries." This study is designed to identify prominent themes...
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