We have an extensive collection of amazing background images carefully chosen by our community. If you have one of your own you’d like to share, send it to us and we’ll be happy to include it on our website. Feel free to download, share, comment and discuss the wallpapers that insp...
According to locals, the front of the train is preferable, less shake (same like a bus) and closer to the food cabin, which is at the front of the train. For this journey I took my own food supplies from a french bakery in Da Nang.The scenery was prity good from Da Nang to ...
I had the absolute delight of meeting with two people I’d never met before to talk about teaching and student engagement this week. I had quite forgotten how passionate I am about teaching and how excited I get when I have the opportunity to talk about it with others who are just as p...
By default, Midjourney server offers multiple #newbies channels where you cantype a prompt to generate images. However, these channels are public, meaning you can see the photos others created and everyone can see yours. But there’s a workaround to keep your creations out of the public eye...
That's even the case for the colorization of things you may think would be arbitrary and unknowable, like the color of clothing, cars, and even special effects (as seen in "Metropolis").My best guess is that the models are learning some interesting rules about how to colorize based on ...
The mouse may be all of 8 inches tall. An Oceania tour group arrives to see the mouse. We watch how they react to the mouse. It’s more fun to be spectators than unsuspecting tourists. Legend has it if you whisper into the mouse’s ear, your wish will come true. That echoes words...
Jerome by the "Master of the Legend of St. Lucy." This small panel is probably two thirds of the original painting. St. George and the Dragon must have been represented in small scale in the upper left background in the original composition, but that side of the panel was later cut, ...
First the algorithm finds an image of a dragon fruit. That is easy. Lastly it puts everything in snow. That is easy. But how do it know what "wearing a black belt" means? And what to do about it? Somehow it adds the arms. So, it needs to know...
After breakfast, I decided to forego a visit to a Kung Fu school to just relax in the sun and recharge my batteries in preparation for tonight’s overnight train journey, which Tuan told us of some difficulties due to a landslide in one of the tunnels on the line. Exciting times ahead...
Overrated White People: In my more cynical moments, I think that to get a contemporary accounting of people whose power and publicity exceed their intelligence and skill, or an accounting of people whose talents have been well-paid for but badly used without a loss of status, all one has to...