Russell notes that whereas human law is prescriptive, natural law is descriptive, requiring no legislator; and the argument of intelligent design makes little sense when one acknowledges the imperfection of the world and the inevitability of the death of mankind and the planet itself. Right and wro...
Remembering & Recalling Critical Information BecomesEasyWith This... Stop needlessly forgetting! Enter your email below to get instant access to myexclusive coursethat will show you how to MASSIVELY improve your memory so you canremember important conversations, what you read, and even learn new ski...
Money Egyptian Pound Edit image Money Currency Euro Edit image Laptop Apple Mac Edit image Laptop Apple Keyboard Edit image Laptop Apple Macbook Edit image Dollar Bill Forint Edit image Feedback Rating Stars Edit image Money Big Money Edit image Money Bank Notes Edit image Playground Swing Edit ...
as well as its apparent insistence on the presence of links that do not appear in my Substack posts. The bizarre “conversation” narrated in the previous post has all the
Wrapped up in a five pound note. The Owl looked up to the stars above, And sang to a small guitar,‘O lovely Pussy! O Pussy my love, What a beautiful Pussy you are, You are, You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!’ II Pussy said to the Owl, ‘You elegant fowl! How charm...
which consists of the first two PLSCs in female. In each panel, the upper faces are simulated by adding five standard deviations of the projected samples to the mean face; the lower faces are created by subtracting the standard deviation of the projected samples to the mean face. From left...
Then, the default position of the text annotation will put the left edge of the word "strawberry" at that point above the letter s. Using the move-text option allows you to move the annotation if desired. A value such as 0,-5 will move it downward five pixels. To change the color ...
of grid cells. Total sperm count was calculated as the product of sperm concentration and ejaculate volume. Sperm motility for each of the five fields of view was calculated as the total number of motile sperm divided by the total number of sperm, multiplied by 100. The average of these ...
Runaway coal barges on the upstream side of the dam at the Falls of the Ohio State Park. What a poor excuse for a blogger I have turned out to be! Just my second post of what has been an extremely active year which, however, is not ending on positive notes! Just in from the news...
CRIME / HORSE RACING: Image tarnished; ITV EVENING NEWS: PENNY MARSHALL ITN ENGLAND: Lingfield: EXT Horses out of gates & along at start of race PAN PULL OUT Bookmaker shouting odds SOT Wad of five pound notes held in hand Bookie next electronic display board Race guide booklet...