Had it not been for the dragonfly’s whirring wings, I might never have seen the mantis. Carolina mantises can be green, but just as often they’re a dusty brown or gray; each of the colors helps them to blend in to their environment. The variations are caused by the nymphs’ abilit...
Although the main purpose of the abuse was to soften up the prisoners for interrogation, the precise forms of humiliation appear to have been shaped by the insecurities and prejudices of the reservists, who had been given no training in the Geneva Conventions. The reaction to the photographs in...
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kernels (e.g., Gaussian kernels) to each data point and summing over all the kernels (Silverman1986). Dense regions where points are close together will contribute more to the density estimate than points in diffuse regions of the feature space, thus outliers can be identified using a threshol...