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Handsome man working on laptop computer while sitting in cozy living room. Freelancer working from home. Browsing internet, using social networks, having fun in flat - 4K stock video Man sitting on a desk using a laptop computer while working or studying from home. ...
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young animal lovers can join Aliya to care for the new foal. The house has lots of rooms to explore, including a kitchen, cozy living room, dining area, bathroom and Autumn’s nature-inspired bedroom. There are lots of outdoor space too, including a balcony with a telescope, notebook an...
Female tourists stay in pool villa rooms 00:05 Modern black minimalist bathroom with black slate stone wall. Modern spa bath concept. 00:13 SLO MO Woman in a white dress kicks water while walking by the pool at sunset 00:15 Entering The Living Room Of Modern Luxury Villa With Swimming Poo...
If you’re looking for awesome winter landscapes or other festive layouts, the Crayon selection of 28 images can hit the spot. The images are grouped on different themes, such as Winter Outdoors, Cozy Living Rooms, Plants and Animals, and more, so you will find the right one for you quic...
I remember two rooms: an adult room and a children’s room. You’d walk in and be completely surrounded by books. I would spend many comfortable hours in there, but what comes back to me so strongly are the Hardy Boy series. Maybe I was in third or fourth grade and during a rainy...
By Morten Storgaard / Furniture, Living & Dining Rooms / Multifunctional furniture can transform from one piece of furniture to another. It’s a great way of saving space. You can hide several functions in the same piece of furniture. Here are some of the very best and most clever transfo...