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Mendham, Scott
Supports all CD and DVD drives and recorders (burners) on the market today, through any drive interface. Runs on Windows 7/Windows Vista/XP. GEAR's recording engine is installed and running reliably on millions of PCs around the world. ...
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ΙmgBurn is a free CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning program, able to convert a disc to an image file; Create an image file from files on your computer or network – or you can write the files directly to a disc; Write an image file to a disc; You can also have ImgBurn ...
re-broadcasting,recording(fixation),andcopying oftherecordingsoftheir broadcasts. wipo.int wipo.int 广播组织有权允许和禁止对自己的广播电视节目进 行转播、录制和复制。 wipo.int wipo.int [...] disc/DVD+R optical disc for audiorecordingsorvisualimages,duplicate of radiologicalimaging records(e.g. X...
$ sudo dd if=filename.iso of=/dev/usbdevice bs=4M; sync NOTE: There is never a trailing number on the end of your/dev/sdxUSB device. ISO from CD/DVD To make an ISO from your CD/DVD, place the media in your drive butdo notmount it. If it "automounts", unmount it (eg,umoun...
The Eyekons CD Collection offers churches an affordable source for religious art & Christian images. It features a variety of artists exploring different religious and liturgical themes. A great resource for visual ministry