He said it to her cat the moment he set eyes on it, when she took it out of the carrier on one of her visits. ‘I love you, cat’. The word that most surprised her, when he first used it, shortly after becoming a widower, was ‘sweetheart’. He’d never called his wife that...
Previously, the domestic "one-night stand" or ex-boyfriends on the network to publish women's private video, generally recognized as the crime of dissemination of obscene materials. The crime not only can not let the woman involved in the case is recognized as a victim, but also be stigmat...
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Did I make it? I did. I have nothing to do with those angry bitches. I've even forgiven them but most of all I have forgiven myself. Yes, it can be done. Pretty cool and will create projects for my successful future. I am undeafted. I AM 369 millions...
Jean-Pierre said the "lax enforcement" of non-consensual pornographic imagery that surfaces online "disproportionately impacts women" and "girls sadly," saying they are the "overwhelming targets of online harassment and also abuse." 卡里娜·让-皮埃尔表示,网上出现未经同意的色情图像“执法不严”,“对...
"Nature" can refer to the phenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. The word nature is borrowed from the Old French nature and is derived from the Latin word natura, or "essential qualities, innate disposition", and in ancient times, literally meant "birth"....
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