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Pixabay is a vibrant community of creatives, sharing royalty-free images, videos, audio and other media. All content is released by Pixabay under the Content License, which makes it safe to use without asking for permission or giving credit to the artist - even for certain commercial purposes....
2240 x 3360 Big cruise ship in the sea near the mountains Hakon 2551 x 2551 Two birds in very shallow water and a mountain background Hakon 4480 x 6720 A child by a boat looking at the sea from the end of a path Hakon 4480 x 6720 Wooden walking bridge over a river in the forest...
fix cross-compilation of argon2 Oct 5, 2023 asciidoc asciidoc Add basic pre-commit config (#39545) Jan 16, 2025 atuin atuin atuin/18.4.0 package update (#38432) Dec 28, 2024 audit audit audit: remove openrc support, fix systemd integration (#40248) Jan 23, 2025 aws-network-policy...
In the Azure portal, go to the IoT hub that you created at the beginning of this module. In the left menu, underAutomatic Device Management, selectIoT Edge. Look for your registered device. To see details about the current configuration, select th...
(starting right at the target size of 192px in this case). Now for the weird part: All the useful GAN training here only takes place within a very small window of time. There's an inflection point where it appears the critic has transferred everything it can that is useful to the ...
\begin{document}The universe is immense and it seems to be homogeneous, in a large scale, everywhere we look at.\includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{universe} Instead of\textwidthyou can use any other defaultLaTeXlength:\columnsep,\linewidth,\textheight,\paperheight, etc. See thereference guidefo...
In this paper, we attempt to explore the feasibility and effectiveness of this kind of generative model for improving the performance of still image-based human action recognition. To be clear, we aim at improving the recognition performance on the current image, not to predict what is going to...
Maize stem cross section The image in Fig. 7 was obtained using a macroscopy imaging system to observe the global organization of vascular bundles in cross sections of maize stems. Details about sample preparation and image acquisition can be found in16. The left panel of Fig. 7 corresponds ...
the two existing state-of-the-art tools—DenseNet and U-net. We trained the algorithm on 141 patient datasets and tested it on 47 patient datasets using axial T2-weighted images in a four-fold cross-validation fashion. The networks were trained and tested on weakly and accurately annotated ...