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This is the gorgeous spiral galaxy NGC 691 located in the constellation of Aries some 120 million light-years from Earth, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. NGC 691 was discovered by astronomer William Herschel in 1786 and is calculated to be 130,000 light-years across. ...
This region of sky in the constellation Aries shows what astronomers call an “infrared circus,” due to its cloudy dust structures that are only visible in infrared light. “Being able to watch the changing sky for nearly 15 years has opened a new avenue for time-domain science, for every...
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the DART team could accurately move the spacecraft to point DRACO at objects of interest, such as Messier 38 (M38), also known as the Starfish Cluster, that DART captured in another image on December 10. Located in the constellation Auriga, the cluster of stars lies some 4,200 light-year...
Since the Radarsat-2 wavelength at the C-band is longer than that of COSMO-SkyMed (COnstellation of small Satellites for the Mediterranean basin Observation) and TerraSAR-X at the X-band, it reasonable that our research results may be beneficial in the application of vehicle detection using ...