In this mammogram image, the breast calcifications are in ductal patterns. This is considered an abnormal mammogram, but it's not necessarily one that indicates cancer. In this case, the woman was advised to have a follow-up mammogram in three months for comparison. If the woman had a lump...
After classification process over, the cancer regions in theabnormal mammogram images are segmented using morphological functions.The proposed breast cancer detection is evaluated on Mammographic ImageAnalysis Society (MIAS) dataset and their cancer region segmentation resultsare 98.4% of sensitivity, 98.9% ...
This is not abnormal and the fluid should be absorbed by the surrounding tissue within a year. However, this was not the only finding in this patient who showed a lump in the left axilla: Ultrasound and color/ Power Doppler images of the left axillary lump show a typical appearance of a...
Breast cancer is one of the leading life killing cancers in women patientsaround the world. Digital mammogram is used to detect and segment theabnormal mass portions in breast region. In this article, the breast cancerregions are detected and segmented using the Gabor transform based ConvolutionalNe...
of nature-inspired cuckoo search and multiobjective optimization with Differential evolution, which is unique and includes detection of masses in a mammogram. The proposed work is evaluated based on 110 (50 + 60) images; the overall accuracy found for the proposed hybrid method is 96.74%. ...
So, we showed some abnormal images to the network to unleash the arsenal of weakly supervised methods, and it helped a lot. Even just one anomalous scan for every 200 normal ones goes a long way, and this is quite realistic.” According to the authors, their approach — Deep Perceptual ...
Multiresolution statistical tests could be developed for abnormal mammograms by considering the respective area in the FD where such abnormalities may have an elevated signature that skews the expected known distribution (normal distributions with known lag-autocorrelation functions for example). This ...
These techniques have led to an enormous revolution in healthcare procedures and have allowed the earlier detection of various diseases. The use of medical image outputs can enable specialists to control and arrest abnormal changes in human tissue through the utilization of radiotherapy and radio ...
the sulcus, callosum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). T2-weighted images are known as ‘pathology scans’ because abnormal regions (e.g., the edema and tumor) and the CSF are bright against the dark normal brain tissues, as shown inFig. 1(b). The arrow indicates the location of abnormal ...
Thus if we can define the boarders of the regions of interest (segment the image) we can often simplify the decision or classification rules necessary for separating normal from abnormal. The pupillary margin bounds the area within a retroillumination image that contains cataract severity information...