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Images of an 82-year-old man with right lower extremity weakness and pain, primarily in the upper leg and thigh. Images of an 82-year-old man with right. Images of a 70-year-old man with bilateral leg pain and weakness, with reduced sensation in both upper and lower legs.A−C, Co...
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Japanese Transformers Collector - Alfes2010 has posted more in hand images of Takara Masterpiece MP-10 Convoy Version 2. In fact Alfes2010 posted 5 different galleries for this figure. We have selected and mirrored a few of the images here: To view the full galleries, click the below: ...
Picture of the top and under-side of a German cockroach German cockroaches have six legs covered in fine spines. The pair of legs furthest from the head is the longest. The cockroach in the first of this photo set is missing a leg, which won’t slow it down at all. These hardy pests...
All images by Joe Antony, MD, using a Toshiba Nemio -XG ultrasound system. Color doppler imaging of fetal growth retardation (IUGR) and fetal hypoxia Doppler of umbilical artery Color doppler and spectral waveform imaging of the umbilical artery shows reversal of diastolic flow. This is an omino...
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James T. Beighlie, 72, had 6,000 pictures of child sexual abuse material on a computer, officials said.
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