The strength of DICE lies in its partial-symmetric key nature i.e. even discovery of encryption key by hacker will not guarantee decoding of the original message. 展开 关键词: Digital watermarking DICE Partial-Symmetric key algorithm Block cipher ...
3a shows the median dice similarity coefficient (DSC) score of these tasks for the four methods. Overall, SAM obtained the lowest performance on most segmentation tasks although it performed promisingly on some RGB image segmentation tasks, such as polyp (DSC: 91.3%, interquartile range (IQR):...
PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images - milesial/Pytorch-UNet
Based on a set of comprehensive experiments, we have evaluated performance of the proposedCOVID-Ratemodel in segmenting COVID-19 lesions from 2D CT images and whole lung volumes. The above-mentioned contributions of theCOVID-Rateframework collectively have resulted in the state-of-the-art dice s...
Automatic segmentation of the proximal femur achieved a high dice similarity score of 0.940.05 with precision = 0.950.02, and recall = 0.940.08 using a CNN architecture based on 3D convolution exceeding the performance of 2D CNNs. The high segmentation accuracy provided by CNNs has the ...
Result: Our method was validated on a set of 48 CT images, obtained from the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) Challenge 2015. The Dice coefficient (DC) and the 95% Hausdorff Distance (95HD) are computed to measure the accuracy of the segmentation results. ...
This underscores MedSAM’s superior generalization ability, making it a versatile tool in a variety of medical image segmentation tasks. Loss function We used the unweighted sum between cross-entropy loss and dice loss40 as the final loss function since it has been proven to be robust across ...
their results showed a superior improvements with Dice value of 0.910±0.036. On the other hand, Cheng et al.33proposed a holistically nested network to segment the prostate gland and claimed to achieve a significantly higher value of Dice score when compared to the patch-based CNN. However, ...
The aim of this article is to develop a soft approach for a real-time cell temperature prediction in the aluminum electrolysis reduction. Under the limited... Y Lei,F Liu,HR Karimi,... - 《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I Journal of Systems & Control Engineering...
First, the target image is registered with each zonal atlas image then the segmentation is obtained by the application of an evidential C-Means clustering. The method was evaluated on a representative and multi-centric image base and yielded mean Dice accuracy values of 0.81, 0.70, and 0.62 ...