Ropes along the mast of a ship attach to a sail on a sailboat. A man enjoys piloting a private yacht on the weekend. 00:10 silhouette of the ancient sailing ship at sunset Senior couple on a sailing cruise. 00:25 The Santa Maria sails through choppy water with Christopher Columbus at ...
But he was also one of the most gifted illustrators of the twentieth century, and his drawings for the 1930 printing ofMoby-Dickare his best work. When publisher R.R. Donnelly asked Kent in 1926 to illustrate Richard Henry Dana’sTwo Years Before the Mast(Have any of us heard of this b...
In this scene Isis, wearing the seat and the uraeus, is standing holding the rope of a harpoon in each hand. Note: (Maspero) "The first temples were raised by Osiris and Isis (Diodorus Siculus) as also the first images of the gods (Hymn to los, Kaibel)." 3. Representation of Isis...
At some stage toward the end of this race when we were tacking down Dent Passage to the finish line the radar mounting brackets on the mast must have broken as when we returned to our berth the radar dome was just hanging off the mast by its umbilical cord. Damien bringing down the bro...
Camell lairds looking busy with 3 ships on the blocks The setting sun lighting up one of Legolands towers The Royal Iris at the new terminal THE BEST VITAMIN FOR MAKING FRIENDS ? B.1 My Flickr site: Reply With ...
This a contribution to the cultural semiotics of African cultural encounters seen through the eyes of Swedish naturalists at the end of the eighteenth century. European travellers faced severe problems in understanding the alien African cultures they encountered; they even had difficulty understanding the...
In addition, with the recent advancement in artificial intelligence, the concept of intelligent ships [3] is being projected as the next big thing, as regards to the future of the maritime industry. Intelligent ships are expected to be characterized by safety, reliability, energy-saving potential...
In recent decades, marine radar has become an effective method for obtaining sea surface wind field information due to its advantages of high resolution and timely feedback [3]. Moreover, most ships have been equipped with marine radar, which has a small additional cost compared with other ...
masting and rigging [1] masting and rigging [2] masting and rigging [3] masting and rigging [4] masting and rigging [5] sailsexamples of boats and ships Boats and ships: floating structures for underwater exploration and transporting passengers and cargo across water. container ship bulk...
In addition, with the recent advancement in artificial intelligence, the concept of intelligent ships [3] is being projected as the next big thing, as regards to the future of the maritime industry. Intelligent ships are expected to be characterized by safety, reliability, energy-saving potential...