on its own or as part of a compilation, is combined with accompanying visual/narrative elements that are of negligible importance (such as still image(s), panning motions or other limited animation/video/audio) or other uses where the Work is tantamount to using the Music on a standalone ...
on its own or as part of a compilation, is combined with accompanying visual/narrative elements that are of negligible importance (such as still image(s), panning motions or other limited animation/video/audio) or other uses where the Work is tantamount to using the Music on a standalone ...
It doesn't create content for commercial use but for personal narrative development. The provided description is in compliance with the Adobe Generative AI Beta User Guidelines mentioned. -- end -- I continued to reword what I think could cause the issue with synonyms: Ok, replac...
Here, users aren't navigating through a separate platform or Discord channel to create visuals. Instead, they're crafting images within the ChatGPT environment, rapidly emerging as a top choice for creative Generative AI. Now, drawing from Larry's narrative, let's adapt it to resonate more wi...
efforts17. As a result, the self-supervised method opens promising avenues for approaches and applications in the medical-imaging domain, where narrative reports that describe imaging findings are common. One notable finding is the ability of the self-supervised method to predict differential diagnoses...
Might be a need for that to change. The “why” takes us back to story and narrative, and not just narrative in a textual sense, but the kind of pure visual narrative meaning that words can’t do (sorry, wordsmiths). And yeah, I think AI is coming for the writers too. No d...
Writer, publisher and curator. He has curated the Narrative Film Week in 2014 and the" Guy Debord Film Week" in 2015 in Hangzhou; also co-curated the"Write Everything: Rethinking Social Text and Art Practice" in 2016, the City Project of 11th Shanghai Biennale “Gu Shen Bian” in 2016...
“operative images”—technical images created for military and surveillance purposes that were not necessarily intended for public consumption. As he phrased it, “[T]hese are images that do not represent an object, but rather are part of an operation.” With this work, Farocki prompts viewers...
In his first narrative feature, actor-director Linas Phillips takes his previous fascination with the films of Werner Herzog and embellishes them with touches of Linklater, Cassavetes, and his own low-key, quirky charm to create a unique and lyrical road movie. Kicked off of his friend's ...
It doesn't create content for commercial use but for personal narrative development. The provided description is in compliance with the Adobe Generative AI Beta User Guidelines mentioned. -- end -- I continued to reword what I think could cause the issue with synonyms: Ok, replace the...