Marianne-Jean Baptiste talks about being nominated for the BIFA for Best Lead Performance for "Hard Truths" and the importance of celebrating independent films at the 27th British Independent Film... Get premium, high-resolution news videos at Getty Imag
The major advantage over the state of the art is that the proposed approach does not require one calibration per glacier.Prieur, ColinRabatel, AntoineThomas, Jean-BaptisteFarup, IvarChanussot, JocelynRemote Sensing
1809-1837—France: A printed entitledPlanche de militaires, published by Jean-Baptiste Castiaux, includes a depiction of a military serpent player (see below image;public domain) (Paris, Museum of Civilization in Europe and the Mediterranean). c. 1810—France: A print entitledMusique de la Gar...
Intimacy, His Brother, andGabrielle, among various stage and television productions. It’s my personal misfortune not to know anyone who has seenThose Who Love Me Can Take the Train(1999), a French film I recommended to anyone who would listen. It is about a painter Jean-Baptiste (Jean- ...
coli,S. cerevisiaeand epithelial cells, even in mixed cultures. Our method demonstrates the potential of acquiring and processing Z-stacks for single-layer, single-cell imaging and segmentation.doi:10.1038/s41598-018-29647-5Lugagne Jean-Baptiste...
MS, LA, PAN, Statue of Archbishop Jean Baptiste Lamy in front of St Francis cathedral Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA - HD stock video Similar clips View all
Sensors, Vol. 18, Pages 2045: HyTexiLa: High Resolution Visible and Near Infrared Hyperspectral Texture ImagesKhanHaris AhmadMihoubiSofianeMathonBenjaminThomasJeanBaptisteHardebergJon Yngve
Jaune de Chrome's plateware Javier Artadi's architecture JC Jacinto's paintings Jean-Baptiste Bernadet's ceramic plates Jeanne Opgenhaffen's ceramic wall pieces Jeanne Vicerial's fashion Jeanne Williamson's textiles Jeff Manning's graphic art Jeff Martin Joinery Jeff Pachoud's Every Day photograp...
juanluisbaptiste / official-images juicelink / official-images JulienDefrance / official-images julienlancelot / official-images juliens / official-images justincormack / official-images jvcastaneda / official-images jwhitcraft / official-images ...
juanluisbaptiste / official-images juicelink / official-images JulienDefrance / official-images julienlancelot / official-images juliens / official-images justincormack / official-images jvcastaneda / official-images jwhitcraft / official-images ...